Josh Oldenkamp

Powerhouse Real Estate Group
621 S 17th St
Boise, ID 83702
More About Me

Cindy Oldenkamp

Powerhouse Real Estate Group
621 S 17th St
Boise, ID 83702
More About Me

Managing Broker

I started helping people accomplish their Real Estate goals in 1998.  My goal is to make the process of buying and selling real estate as easy as possible for you.  I endeavor to listen to your needs and communicate promptly every step of the way.  Two of my children work with me to form Team OldenKamp.  Josh is an Associate Broker, and Meg is our Buyer’s specialist.  Team OldenKamp has the knowledge and experience to guide you smoothly through the process.

Throughout my career, I have been active in the real estate community.   I have served on the Caldwell Board of Realtors Executive board in many different positions including President and State Director. I have also served as chair of the Idaho Association of Realtors education committee. In 2000, I was chosen as the Realtor of the Year for the Caldwell Board of Realtors.  Continual education is important; education allows me to provide you with up-to-date professional information.

We love Idaho!  This is home for us.  We understand the Idaho real estate market. Let us assist you when you are ready to move.